Thursday, November 7, 2013

Getting some free gold.

First off this is not a hack. This will not get you banned. The system does allow you to do this.

So, you want some free gold? Tired of all those players buying their way to first place? Well this process won't do that for you. It will, however, get you some free gold to help you along in your normal game. how much free gold? 9 Gold Coins per account. But before you run off to your game with dreams of gold coins flowing from the sky, be warned you can only have 3 accounts per device. Of course if you have a phone, tablet, computer or VirtualBox ( installed with a few hundred VMs running Windows XP or higher and BlueStacks ( and an unlimited amount of time, you could really tax the allowable amount of coins you can get.

So how does it work? You the code that you can use to get that 1 free coin? No? Ok more on that later, just keep in mind code for now. So you use your Alt accounts to ..... What? no Alt accounts? Ok, this is where you need to start.

Click (touch) the "Settings" button at the bottom of the screen.

Now you should see the "Settings" window. In it you are presented with a few options. The first of them is the "Account" button. You will want to Click that one.

You will now see the "Account" window. Of importance right NOW!!! If you do not remember your account name (not your nickname) it might be good to look at it right here. Write it down, email it to yourself, do something to remember it. You will need it to get back to the account you are on. It is case sensitive so each of those caps needs to be remembered also. Now back to making that Alt account. The second button from the top will be "Switch Account". You will use this button to both create a new account and switch between the accounts. So Click it now.

On this screen you can log into different accounts. And while this is important, we are not worried about that right now, what we want is to click the "Register" button...

Great, now just follow the on screen prompt till you have a new account made. You can have upto 3 accounts per device, so if no one else uses the device you are on right now go ahead and make 2 new accounts. Not only will they come in helpful for the free gold coins, but they are great for picking on people that attack you without drawing attention to yourself. Sometimes the best way to get a bully off of you is to give them some cannon fodder to attack instead.

So you got your account (accounts) and are ready to start raking in all that sweet, sweet gold.

What you need to do is login to the main account, the one where you want all this free gold. Once you are there you will need to open the "Settings" window. It's the button at the bottom...remember? Ok fine. It's this one.

Sure, now you remember. Anyway, from the settings we are going to get the code from the "Invitation" button.

And then the "Invitation" tab. It's at the bottom so you might need to scroll down a little bit.

Once you get the code (write it down, will be easier) you can use it on the Alt accounts to get 1 FREE GOLD. Hang on.... I know I said 9 gold... That was not a mistake. We will get the rest. In a minute.

Now, go log into the Alt Account(s) and enter the Invitation code. You get to it the same way you got the code only this time go to the "Invited" tab.

Once you have done that both accounts will get 1 free gold coin. Now all you have to do is play the Alt account for a little bit. Your main account will get a bonus of 3 Gold Coins when the Alt reaches level 3 and then 5 more Gold Coins when it reaches level 5. If you play it right you can get to level 5 in about 19 hours. Considering most people sleep at some point in the 19 hours, consider it 2 days. That is where the "unlimited time" I spoke of earlier comes in.

I hope this little "trick" helps, and for those of you really serious about raping the system for all the free gold you can, good luck with VirtualBox.


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